Nathalie Collantes spent all month of January in Brazil giving workshops and conferences and performing, in Casa Branca and Belo-Horizonte (Minas Gerais state) and in Votorantim (Sao Paulo).
...Some more projects are expected in Rio de Janeiro, Campo Grande (South Mato Grosso) and Sao Paulo.
Casa Branca, Nathalie worked a whole week with students, actors and dancers from different parts of Brasil invited by Dudude
coisasdedudude. She first gave a conference at the beautiful place
Memorial Minas Gerais Vale in Belo Horizonte
Votorantim (Sao Paulo), she worked with a group of students and presented a performance based on her project about Jacqueline Robinson with Brazilian dancer Laura Samy and video/sound artist Valérie Lanciaux.