Monday, October 30, 2017

A dancer in the library, 15th season ! 
At Centre National de la Danse-Pantin (Paris)
Performed by Nathalie Collantes or Julie Salgues 

From November 13 to 29, at CN D Library
November 13, 14, 17, 18 at 10h15

November 15 and 29 at 10h15 and 14h30 (all audiences) 

 Photos : Valérie Lanciaux

...Next dates at KIDANSE FESTIVAL on March 16 !
CDCN Hauts-de-France

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

"A dancer in the Library" by Nathalie Collantes 14th season !

Next dates in Picardie under the invitation of CDC L'Échangeur/Picardie

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Nathalie Collantes-Brazilian January

Nathalie Collantes spent all month of January in Brazil giving workshops and conferences and performing, in Casa Branca and Belo-Horizonte (Minas Gerais state) and in Votorantim (Sao Paulo).
...Some more projects are expected in Rio de Janeiro, Campo Grande (South Mato Grosso) and Sao Paulo.

In Casa Branca, Nathalie worked a whole week with students, actors and dancers from different parts of Brasil invited by Dudude coisasdedudude. She first gave a conference at the beautiful place Memorial Minas Gerais Vale in Belo Horizonte
In Votorantim (Sao Paulo), she worked with a group of students and presented a performance based on her project about Jacqueline Robinson with Brazilian dancer Laura Samy and video/sound artist Valérie Lanciaux.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Nathalie Collantes in Brazil !

Nathalie Collantes will give a workshop from January 15 to 21 at Atelier      Dudude
You can still apply at

Monday, October 24, 2016

Friday, July 1, 2016

LIFEGUARD by and with Benoît Lachambre at ImPulsTanz international dance festival Vienna

Next August 4, 6 and 7 at Leopold Museum - impulstanz

 Credit picture : Veronique Soucy

Sunday, March 13, 2016


FONDS D'ECRAN will be presented at Archives Nationales in the context of La Semaine des Arts organized by Paris 8 University on March 23 and 24 at 6 PM !

Dance : Nathalie Collantes and Julie Salgues 
Sound : Valérie Lanciaux

Website : leprojetrobinson

Photo : Valérie Lanciaux

FONDS D'ÉCRAN est une performance accueillie dans la salle de lecture des Archives Nationales. 
À partir et avec le site internet LE PROJET ROBINSON, une danse se tisse dans la perspectives des images. Le dialogue avec Jacqueline Robinson, pionnière de la danse moderne en France, se double d’un dialogue avec un lieu, une danse et la présence des visiteurs.

FONDS D'ÉCRAN is a performance that will take place in the reading room of National Archives. From and with the website LE PROJET ROBINSON, a dance will form in the perspective of the video images. The dialogue with Jacqueline Robinson, pioneer of modern dance in France, doubles up as a dialogue with a place, a dance and the presence of visitors.

Monday, February 15, 2016


FONDS D'ECRAN will be presented at Archives Nationales in the context of La Semaine des Arts organized by Paris8 University on March 23 and 24 at 6 PM !

Danse : Nathalie Collantes et Julie Salgues 
Son : Valérie Lanciaux

Site internet : leprojetrobinson

FONDS D'ÉCRAN est une installation/performance, elle repose sur l’activation de plusieurs écrans qui diffusent le site internet LE PROJET ROBINSON. La danse se joue à deux dans la perspective des images. Dans la salle de lecture des Archives Nationales, les deux danseuses tissent des relations entre images internet et danse vivante.

Monday, January 4, 2016

"Les Aperçus" next performance ! 
Compagnie Les Décisifs

On January 23 and 24 in the context of Pharenheit Festival, Centre Chorégraphique National du Havre (Normandie)
Go to : pharenheit festival 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

"Noli me tangere" next performance ! 
Compagnie Les Décisifs

On November 26 at Centre Chorégraphique National d'Orléans in the context of festival Traverses 
Shared evening with Eva Klimackova

"Noli me tangere", a solo by and with Clara Cornil