"Yuj" is a collaboration between choreographers and dancers Clara Cornil/David Subal - Compagnie Les Décisifs - and ]h[iatus, an international contemporary Ensemble
It brings together 4 dancers and 4 musicians
Premiere took place this week at Scène Nationale of Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy (Lorraine).
The next performance will be at Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis on May 12 at 8:30 PM in Noisy le Grand (Paris suburbs) !
With : Clara Cornil, Anne Journo, Julie Salgues, David Subal, from Les Décisifs
Tiziana Bertoncini, Isabelle Duthoit, Carl Ludwig Hübsch, Lê Quan Ninh, from ]h[iatus
Go to ]h[iatus website
Next performance on November 10 at Les Quinconces-L'Espal, Le Mans
Tiziana Bertoncini, Isabelle Duthoit, Carl Ludwig Hübsch, Lê Quan Ninh, from ]h[iatus
Go to ]h[iatus website
Next performance on November 10 at Les Quinconces-L'Espal, Le Mans
Picture : Alain Julien